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Miftah Irramah
Arni Amir
Fika Tri Anggraini
Lili Irawati
Yose Ramda Ilhami
Desy Nofita Sari
Rahmad Syawqi
Mutia Lailani

As the global population grows, the need for effective aged care has become even more urgent. Health cadres have an essential role in improving the health and welfare of individuals and communities. However, cadres often face obstacles in carrying out their role of these cadres. One strategy to address this need is the development of health cadres, which can be an essential link between health service providers and the elderly who need support. In this coaching program, we seek to enhance the role of health cadres in elderly care to support the physical, mental, and social health of the elderly. Through interactive exercises and providing cadre pocketbooks, participants will learn how to assess the individual needs of the elderly and increase motivation for elderly visits to the nearest health facility. This cadre development activity involved 15 elderly health cadres. Increasing knowledge of cadres was obtained as a result of the increase in pretest and posttest scores that had been carried out. The result of this training is that health cadres will have the skills and knowledge needed to support the elderly community effectively in their environment so that an independent elderly community is created that is active in their daily activities and does not depend on people of productive age. Furthermore, this community service activity can be carried out periodically to improve individuals' health status in society, nation, and state.

Keywords: keyword: cadres, elderly, health, empowerment