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Ardesy Melizah Kurniati
Nur Riviati
Andra Kurnianto

The number of elderly is increasing every year. Efforts to maintain the health of the elderly are carried
out through elderly community programs. Several factors can affect the quality of life of the elderly,
one of which is nutritional adequacy, The purpose of this study is to get a sociodemographic profile
and eating pattern of the elderly, as a first step to recognize the risk of elderly health problems. A total
of 169 elderly respondents from various elderly communities in Palembang City participated in this
study. Data obtained through interviews using questionnaires. The results showed the average age of
respondents was 66 years, the number of elderly women more than men, most of them were highly
educated, had never worked, still had a partner, and had a good support system. Most respondents did
not meet the needs of energy intake and did not consume macronutrients in a balanced manner.
Nutrition education is needed to improve this condition.

Keywords: sociodemographic eating patterns elderly elderly community Palembang