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Ulfa Yasmin
Dwi Dayanti Agustina
Mellani Cindera Negara

Gingiva is a keratinized epithelium that serves as the supporting structure for underlying tissues that tend to be injured during dental procedures. Corn silk contains secondary metabolite substances such as flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that can increase fibroblast levels during wound healing. This study proves that the administration of corn silk extract can increase the number of fibroblasts in gingival wound healing of Wistar rats. This study was an experimental laboratory research with a post-test-only control group design. The sample in this study used 20 male Wistar rats divided into 4 groups. Gingival wounds were performed on the mandibular gingival using a punch biopsy with a diameter of 2 mm. The wound was smeared with corn silk extract gel at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and aquadest twice a day for 7 days. Euthanasia was delivered on the 8th day after treatment, and histological preparation was performed. The number of fibroblasts was calculated using the Olympus software and analyzed statistically. The results showed that the corn silk extract significantly improved the number of fibroblasts compared with the control group. The highest number of fibroblasts was found in the corn silk extract treatment group at a concentration of 25% (34,47) compared with concentrations of 50% (23,87), 75% (20,93), and aquadest (18,80). It could be concluded that the administration of corn silk can increase the number of fibroblasts inĀ gingival wound healing of Wistar rats

Keywords: Corn Silk, Fibroblasts, Gingiva, Wound Healing