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Putri Rizki Amalia Badri
Resy Asmalia
Dientyah Nur Anggina
Ardi Artanto
Teddy Desky Ardian
M. Valeri Rivaldo
Ahmad Muchlisin
Natasya Viana PS
Indah Rahmayani

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Factors that influence diabetes mellitus are a person's characteristics (age, sex and genetics), knowledge of nutrition, stress, lifestyle, physical activity, nutritional status both obesity and central obesity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body mass index and abdominal circumference on diabetes mellitus in patients at the Family Physician Clinic (KDK), Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Palembang. This research is a type of analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. The research sample was 33 patients at the Family Physician Clinic. Body mass index was measured using a scale and measuring height, as well as abdominal circumference using a tape measure, while diabetes mellitus was found in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at KDK. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between body mass and diabetes mellitus (p value 0.085) and there was a significant relationship between abdominal circumference and diabetes mellitus in patients at the Family Clinic of the Muhammadiyah Faculty of Medicine Palembang (p value 0.014). Abdominal circumference can be one of the risks that cause diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, BMI, Obesity