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Linda Apriani
Fika Minata Wathan

Indonesia is the third country with the number of patients with pulmonary TB disease. The incidence
of pulmonary tuberculosis can be caused by several risk factors, including predisposing factors
(knowledge, attitudes and actions), supporting factors (house ventilation, lighting, occupancy density,
type of house floor and type of house wall) and driving factors (role of health workers and role of
health workers). family). The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between
knowledge, attitudes, house ventilation, occupancy density, and the role of health workers with the
incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in productive age communities in the Plaju City Health Center of
Palembang in 2023. This study was an analytical observational design with a cross sectional study.
The population in this study is the productive age community (15-49 years) in 2023 in the Work Area
of the Plaju Public Health Center in Palembang City with a total sample of 100 people. The sampling
technique in this study is purposive sampling. The results of the study found that there was a
relationship between knowledge and the role of health workers with the incidence of pulmonary
tuberculosis in people of productive age in the working area of the Plaju City Health Center in
Palembang in 2023. At the end of this study, it is hoped that the results of this study can be an
illustration for the puskesmas to be able to further improve health services. especially in the incidence
of pulmonary TB.

Keywords: Risk Factors, Productive Age, Tuberculosis