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Zenitha Meida Sari
Stefanie Stefanie
Inayaturrahmaniyah bin Tahir
Yunita Puspitasari
Elizabeth Ruttina Hutagaol
Yenny Purnama

This study aims to explore the challenges of early diagnosis of childhood illnesses and examine the role of routine screening and early detection in addressing this issue. Childhood illnesses often require prompt and appropriate diagnosis to avoid potentially fatal complications. However, the process of early diagnosis in children is often faced with challenges, including in difficulties in identifying symptoms, lack of awareness of the importance of routine screening, and limitations in screening methods. This study used a qualitative approach by conducting a review of relevant literature. The findings highlighted the importance of educating parents about routine check-ups and symptoms to look out for, as well as the role of technology in improving accessibility of health services and supporting early detection of childhood illnesses. The implication of this study is the need for concerted efforts between healthcare providers, parents, and other relevant parties to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis in maintaining child health and minimizing the risk of complications that may occur.

Keywords: Early Diagnosis, Routine Examination, Childhood Illness